
A fully responsive website that displays different stats about celebrities

This was the first website I built using Laravel and Tailwindcss. This website was an experiment to rank on the SERPs and generate as many page views as possible. After researching many niches, I came to the conclusion that this niche is still low competitvely whilst having a high search volume. This website talks about the statistics and general trivia behind celebrities. It was developed on the WAMP stack and is deployed on the LAMP stack. It was the first time using tailwindcss. This framework was extremely nice to work with and allowed me to build the site more efficiently.

The primary focus of the website was to get familiar with Laravel and Tailwindcss. After following tutorials online, and using the documentation it took around 1 month from concept to a release of the website. I designed all of the components.
After running the website for a year I came to the conclusion that the niche was actually quite competitve and relied on having many articles to generate any sizable amount of traffic. Here are the google search console results. Currently the domain has expired and I have no plans to renew it.
Screen capture of the google search console analytics

Here you can see what the homepage looks like in both a standard desktop view and a mobile view.

Screen capture of the desktop view in dark mode.
Screen capture of the mobile view in dark mode.

This website was a CRUD website which used standard Create, Read, Update and Delete Functions. Here is an example of one of the controller classes I made. This controller is for the articles that were posted.

				namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

use App\Models\Article;
use Auth;

class ControllerArticle extends Controller
    // Getting relevant articles
    public function index(){
        return view('index', [
            'main' => Article::latest()
            ->whereBetween('home_articles', [1, 6])
            ->orderBy('home_articles', 'desc')
            'trending' => Article::inRandomOrder()
            'recent' => Article::latest()

    // Show single article
    public function show(Article $article){
        return view('article', [
            'article' => $article,
            'trending' => Article::inRandomOrder()
            'related' => $this->related($article)

    // Create a new article
    public function create(){
        $id = Auth::id();

        if($id == 1){
            return view('create');
        return redirect('/');

    public function edit(Article $article){
        $id = Auth::id();

        if($id != 1){
            return redirect('/');
        return view('edit', ['article' => $article]);

    // Storing single article
    public function store(Request $request){

        $formFields = $request->validate([
            'title' => 'required',
            'description' => 'required',
            'category' => 'required',
            'sub_category' => 'required',
            'slug' => ['required', Rule::unique('articles', 'slug')],
            'img_url' => 'required',
            'img_credit' => 'required',
            'full_name' => 'nullable',
            'dob' => 'nullable',
            'profession' => 'nullable',
            'nationality' => 'nullable',
            'net_worth' => 'nullable',
            'height' => 'nullable',
            'content' => 'required',
            'home_articles' => ['nullable', Rule::unique('articles', 'home_articles')] 

            $formFields['img_url'] = $request->file('img_url')->store('images', 'public');

        return redirect('/');

    public function related(Article $article){
        return Article::where('sub_category', '=', $article->sub_category)
            ->where('id', '!=', $article->id)

    public function categories(){
        return view('categories',[
            'categories' => Article::distinct()